The goal of life is to develop a relationship – a strong relationship with Hashem and to emulate Him in all
that we do.  Dveikus is the highest level of this relationship where we cleave to Him.  One method or
path to this relationship is through Tefilah.
There is both a fascinating debate among the Rishonim, however, as to the exact nature of this path. 
There is also, according to this author’s understanding, a difference in understanding between Rav
Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l and Rav Avrohom Pam zt”l as to how to understand the Mishna Brurah’s view
on the final ruling of the matter.

The Rambam (Hilchos Tefillah 1:1) writes that the obligation to pray is from the Torah.  The Pasuk in
Shma (Dvarim 11:13) states:  ul’avdo bechol levavchem.”  The Gemorah in Taanis (2a) asks:  “What kind
of avodah involves the heart?  It must be that this is Tefilah.”
The Rambam learns, therefore, that the obligation for prayer is biblical – it is just the wording and the
exact times for it are of Rabbinic origin.  At a minimum, the obligation is to include shevach, bakasha,
and hoda’ah – praise of Hashem, requests of Hashem and thanks to Hashem (See Rambam Hilchos
Tefilah 1:2).
The Mogain Avrohom (OC 106:2) writes that it is possible that the Chachomim did not obligate women
further than the Torah obligation.  These three minimum requirements can be accomplished with the
morning brachos.

According to the Ramban, however, in Sefer HaMitzvos #5 and Rashi (“v’chayavin b’tefilah” Brachos
20b), the obligation is only Rabbinic in nature, and the Anshei Knesses HaGedolah who established this
obligation and the wording of the Shmoneh Esreh obligated women as well.  Even though it is a time
bound Mitzvah, since it is a request for mercy, Chazal obligated women as well in Shacharis and Mincha.

The Mishna Brurah (106:4) as well as other Poskim rule in accordance with the Ramban.  In fact, there
are many other indications that women are fully obligated in the two Shmoneh Esrehs.  The Yalkut
Shimoni (Shmuel, Remez 80) writes explicitly that women are obligated in Shmoneh Esreh and that is
why Chana was praying 18 brachos.  The problem with this is that Chana actually preceded the Anshei
Knesses HaGedolah.   Thus, it would seem that the Mogain Avrohom and the Rambam  would have to
understand this Yalkut Shimoni as being a type of asmachta – an allusion.

Notwithstanding the ruling of the Mishna Brurah, the Chofetz Chaim’s son, Reb Aryeh Leib Kagan
Poupko (1861-1938) writes in his “Sichos HaChofetz Chaim” (Vol. I #27) that his mother, while she was
raising the children, almost never davened Shmoneh Esreh and told her son that their father had said
that she was exempt.

It seems to this author that there are two different ways to understand the apparent contradiction
between what the Chofetz Chaim writes in the Mishna Brurah and how his wife conducted things
according to his son.

Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l explained that since the mother is engaged in another Mitzvah of raising
the children she falls under the concept of “Osaik b’Mitzvah patur min haMitzvah (as cited in Ko somar
l’Bais Yaakov page 30).  One who is involved in a Mitzvah is exempt from another Mitzvah.” This concept
is stated by Rabbi Yossi HaGalili in Sukkah (26a) in regard to travelers of a Mitzvah being exempt from
the Mitzvah of Sukkah.

Rav Avrohom Pam zt”l, on the other hand, had another understanding.  He understood that there are
times in a woman’s life when she can rely on the ruling of the Rambam rather than rule like the
Ramban.  During the period of a woman’s life when she is raising children, she can rely on the view and
reading of the Rambam that allows her to just recite a very minimum davening – in other words, no
Shmoneh Esreh.  This is how this author heard Rav Pam explain the words of the Chofetz Chaim’s son.  It
can be analogous perhaps to keeping two different Sefirah periods from year to year.

This debate, if it is correctly understood, would have other practical ramifications too.  But llets begin
this discussion with a question:
We know that there is a halacha that it is forbidden to eat before davening.  This is based upon a
Gemorah in Brachos (10b) and is codified in Shulchan Aruch (89:3).  It is considered haughty to take care
of one’s onw needs before tending to our obligations toward Hashem.  A drink of course is permitted,
and nowadays it is even permitted to add sugar and milk to one’s coffee, but breakfast before davening,
is forbidden unless one is weak or sick. This halacha, according to Poskim, applies to women as well (See
Minchas Yitzchok Vol. IV #28).
If this is the case, then how is it that high school girls eat at home first and then wait to daven in school?
True, before they eat at home they often say brachos – fulfilling the minimum requirements of the
Rambam, but doesn’t the Mishna Brurah rule like the Ramban?
There is, of course, an exception, for someone who is not feeling well or is weak, but how can we be
doing this across the board to all high school girls?
According to Rav Pam zt”l, perhaps this is one of those times that we can rely on the Rambam instead of
the Ramban, because this way, at least they will be learning how to daven properly in front of their
mechanchos and teachers.  According to Rav Yaakov, it would be more problematic because there is no
“osaik bamitzvah patur min haMitzvah” here.

There is another critical difference between Rav Pam and Rav Yaakov in regard to Shabbos morning, and
in regard to the Rambam versus the Ramban.
If one is following the view of the Rambam during the week, then merely saying brachos in the morning
creates a prohibition of eating before Kiddush.  The prohibition begins immediately after one has
davened.  The prohibition means that one cannot even taste water until one has made or heard
Kiddush.  According to the Ramban – then it is not a problem.  A woman or girl may drink until one has
davened Shmoneh Esreh.
So which view should a woman or young lady follow?  Should she follow Rav Yaakov’s explanation or
Rav Pam’s?  The answer, of course, is to ask her Rav or Posaik.