How Would the Post Moshiach Hagaddah Look?
Every year there are new haggadahs being written and printed. Yet, shockingly, we have not seen any
post-Moshiach Hagaddah yet. This is a shame because it seems that there would be a number of
differences. Since the month of Nissan is the month of Geulah, it would seem that if we are not writing
or buying such a Hagaddah, we should at least know some of the differences.
The Pesach Seder, of course, was conducted throughout our history, even before the Bais HaMikdash
was built and before it was destroyed, and will be conducted once again after the Bais HaMikdash will
be rebuilt. Thus, both from a historical perspective as well as a future practical point of view, it is quite
practical to focus in on how the Seder differs. The essential difference is that at the Seder itself we
would actually eat from the Korban Pesach as well as the Korban Chagigah. This creates repercussions to our Seder. The following adjustments are culled from the eighth chapter of the Rambam (Hilchos
Chometz uMatzah) and listed in the Mesivta Hagaddah.
- On the Seder plate itself we would not have the egg and the shank bone. These just represent the
Korban Chagigah and the Korban Pesach. But since the Beis HaMikdash would still be around they would
be replaced by the meat of the Chagigah Korban and meat from the Korban Pesach itself. - In the recitation of “kadaish urchatz” we would probably add in after “maror korech” the new terms
“chagiga, korban pesach,” before Shulchan Orech.” - In “Ha lachma anya” we would delete the words that come afterward, “hashta hacha – leshana habah
until bnei chorin.” - The Ma Nishtana would have to add that on this night “kulo tzli.”
- In vehigadeta l’bincha, we would probably edit out the line that says, “lo amarti ellah b’sha’ah
sh’pesach matzah umarror munachim lefanecha. - In “Rabban Gamliel Omer” the hagaddah instructions would probably tell us to point to the Korban
Pesach, just as we point to the Matzah and Marror. - The bracha of “asher gaalanu” would be changed to present tense of “v’higi’anu halailah hazeh l’echol
pesach matzah umarror” and we would edit out, “kain hashem elokainu yagi’ainu.” - At Shulchan Orech, after HaMotzi the bracha becomes al achilas matzah umarror because the marror
has now become a Torah Mitzvah. He then takes from the meat of the Chagigah Korban and says the
blessing, “Al achilas haZevach.” Then he takes a piece from the Korban Pesach and says the bracha, “Al
achilas haPesach.” - At Tzafun, we do not eat from the Matzah of Afikomen, but rather we eat a Kezayis from the Korban
Pesach. We do not eat anything after that.