Exercising Before Davening

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

May one exercise before Davening?


Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l cited in Alei Siach (by Rabbi Yaakov Viener from Kiryat Sefer) p. 64 responded with the words, “Aino Ra’ui” – which means one should avoid it.

Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg zt”l cited in Tefillah K’hilchasa p. 114 permitted it only if there is no other time to do that exercise.

Dayan Fisher zt”l cited in Orah Kvodi p. 262 ruled the same way as Rav Scheinberg.

Torat Chacham Baruch (p. 149) forbids it entirely.


The Shulchan Aruch (OC 89:3) writes that one is forbidden to engage in his own need prior to Davening Shoneh Esreh. The Ramah seems to recite a more lenient view that he recommends should be avoided and that is that some permit it – if one has recited brachos. However, when one looks at the original source for this more lenient view (the Trumas HaDeshen Siman 18) it is clear that he holds that it is an incorrect view. He writes, “Vadai Lav Shapir avdi.”  The Bais Yoseph, Levush and Aruch HaShulchan dismiss the lenient view and understand the Trumas HaDeshen as being stringent. [In this author’s opinion, the citation of the Trumas HaDeshen is probably an erroneous attribution by a copyist.]

However, if it is considered “Cheftzay Shamayim – the needs of Heaven” then – Chazal did permit things, if there is no other time to do it (See MB beginning of Siman 250).

Since this is the case, we have to look at the outlook of the individual exerciser.  Does he exercise for himself or does he honestly and truly view it as “Pursuits of Heaven?”  There is also a second question:  Is it really subjective?  In other words, even if he personally views it as Pursuits of Heaven – does this actually make it so, or are there objective definitions?

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