At the sheva brachos recited both under the Chupah and after bentching at every Jewish wedding – we
say the blessing of Sos Tasis. It is blessing #5 of the seven blessings of a Jewish wedding. The blessing is,
“May the barren one rejoice and be glad as her children are joyfully gathered to her. Blessed are You,
Hashem who gladdens Tzion with her children.”
Tzion, of course, is Yerushalayim. And from this blessing, we see two remarkable things.
1] The relationship between Yerushalayim and the nation of Israel is more than just an un-severable
bond. It is that of a mother and her children.
The nations of the world should be aware that Yerushalayim is not just important to us. She is our
mother. We will never sell out, sell off, or trade away our mother. It just will not happen.
Throughout the world, wherever Jews are, we pray facing Jerusalem. She is everything to us, and it is
only in our literature that Jerusalem plays a central role in the universe. The Talmud (Sanhedrin 37a
based upon the verse in Yechezkel 38:12) describes Jerusalem as the very center of the universe.
2] The second thing is that the wording of the final section of the blessing is in the present tense.
Hashem gladdens – mesamayach. It is a gladdening, a rejoicing that is happening now. It does not refer
to some future Messianic time, but rather a present, ever constant time. Shortly after the Six Day War,
Rav Chaim Shmulevitz gave a shmuess to his students at the Mirrer Yeshiva (See hagaddah of the Roshei
Yeshiva of Mirrer, page 226) about the open miracles we encountered in reclaiming Yerushalayim.
The point is that the blessing at every Jewish wedding is that G-d currently gladdens Yerushalayim with
her children. The Talmud tells us that whomsoever gladdens a bride and groom it is as if he has rebuilt
one of the destroyed homes of Jerusalem. The rebuilding referenced is a current one. So the building
projects in Jerusalem are actually mentioned and predicted in the very wording of the blessings recited
at every Jewish wedding. UN resolutions may declare things from here to tomorrow, but they shall
never undermine UJ Resolution #5.


And speaking of the Six Day War, let’s go back to some recent history.
Yerushalayim. 1967 was very special. Israel defended itself against attackers that wished to annihilate
her at ever border. It is special not because we captured the eastern half of yerushalayim. But because
we re-captured her and freed her. It is a very essential difference.
That reunification was the culmination of the prayers of two thousand years – something that our
ancestors could only dream of. For the previous 19 years, we could only access the Kosel as Americans,
flying to Amman, Jordan, on an American passport. After 1967, we could visit the Kosel once again
through Eretz Yisroel.
Ah, Yerushalayim! You were once as remote as the stars in the sky to the victims of the Crusades, the
Rindfleish massacres, and to the victims of the Chmelnieki Massacres of tach vetat. Indeed, even to the
victims of the pogroms of Europe and to the victims of Auschwitz and Treblinka, you were unimaginable.
But now, we have you.We must continuously fulfill the words of Isaiah (62:1), “Lemaan tzion lo echesheh, ulemaan yerushalayim lo eshkot!”
Rav Mordechai Gifter zt”l used to say that Chazal knew what they were doing when they enacted the
addition of, “Mashiv haruach omorid hagashem” to correlate with the weather of Eretz Yisroel instead
of the individual patterns in all of the far flung places that the Jewish people ended up in. It was so that
we would always remember her.
Imagine a farmer in a far off land. He needs rain. He adds it in his prayers, but not for the location where
he is located. The prayer for rain is for the needs of eretz Yisroel! Why? So that Eretz Yisroel and
Yerushalayim will never be forgotten.
King David said it best in Tehillim (137:5-6):
“If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let me forget my right hand.
Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you.
If I do not set Yerushalayim at my highest aspirations of joy.”
In these words, King David is pointing out the two tell-tale signs of a stroke. He is essentially saying that
he should have a stroke if he does not remember Jerusalem.
And the UN, and past US presidents, and secretaries of state, dare to tell us to forget Jerusalem in light
of the words of the Psalmist? Do they not know that Hashem tells us, “Yerushalayim is the city where I
have chosen to place My Name (Kings I 11:36)”? Do they not know that Yerushalayim is mentioned
throughout TaNaCh some 650 times and not once, l’havdil in the Koran?
This is the time where the children of Israel must tell President Obama:
Jerusalem is not some theoretical or symbolic word. We take the Bible seriously. Jerusalem, and Israel
are real. They are physical. They are both our possession and the destiny of the Jewish people.


Indeed, Jerusalem is actually synonymous with the Jewish people.
The holy prophet Isaiah says, “Be comforted, be comforted, My people – Nachamu Nachamu Ami
(Yishayayhu 40:1-2) , speak unto the heart of Jerusalem – dabru al leiv Yerushalayim.” Why
Yerushalayim? The answer is because Yerushalayim – all of it – is intrinsically connected with the people
of Israel. The prophet further states, “For Hashem has comforted His people – He has redeemed
Yerushalayim (Yishayahu 52:9). And also Yishayahu (65:19), “I will rejoice in Yerushalayim and be glad in
My people.”
The nations of the world must know that it was always, always ours. Look at Tehillim 102:15, “Her
servants desired her stones, her very dust moves them to pity.” We have never, ever, left Yerushalayim,
and even when times were difficult, we always pined for her. We pined for her stones, her dust, and her
spiritual nurturing.


Jerusalem has been holy to the Jewish people since the dawn of history and before. Where was the
binding of Yitzchak? It was on Har haMoriah, in Jerusalem, the place that Hashem shall choose (See
Dvarim 12:5).
Maimonides tells us (Hilchos Beis HaBechirah 6:14) that the sanctification that was made in Israel’s First
Commonweath still stands and will stand for all time.
He writes, “the sanctity of the [area of the] Mikdash and of Jerusalem emanates from the Shechina
(Divine Presence) and the Shechina can never be annulled.”
Part of the bible is the book of Esther. It is, in fact, from this book that we read each year in the month
of Adar, on a day that we were saved from destruction. Throughout the world, this book is read by Jews
on the 14th of the month. But in walled cities the book is read on the 15th of the month. In Jerusalem it
is also read on the 15th of the month. What is fascinating is that this is not just in the parts of Jerusalem
that were around in Jerusalem of old. It is the custom to read it on the 15th even in modern,
contemporary Jerusalem.
The message is clear. There are modern day Hamans that blow themselves up, that stab us, that set fire
to our trees and forests, and that declare that Jerusalem and Israel do not belong to us. But they shall
join the dustbins of history. And Jerusalem and Israel will endure.