Dramatic Arrest at Ben Gurion Airport: Yeshiva Student Detained Over Draft Order
A major saga unfolded on Thursday night when a yeshiva bochur traveling to the kevarim of tzaddikim in Ukraine was arrested at Ben Gurion Airport for failing to report for military service despite having received a draft notice. Following the incident, Vaad HaYeshivos issued an urgent letter to roshei yeshivos across Eretz Yisrael.
The letter begins by reaffirming the longstanding directive from the gedolei hador, stating that any talmid wishing to travel abroad must first receive explicit permission from his rosh yeshiva. The letter emphasizes that this rule remains in full force, especially in the current climate, for reasons that are not necessary to elaborate upon in writing.
Furthermore, the letter warns that any bochur planning to travel must personally verify that no exit restrictions have been placed upon him by security authorities due to changes in the law and adjustments to draft status. It specifies that a simple inquiry at the Interior Ministry is insufficient and that the matter must be checked directly with Vaad HaYeshivos.
With Pesach approaching, when many yeshiva bochurim and avreichim travel abroad to spend Yom Tov with family, Vaad HaYeshivos urged talmidim to be in contact with their offices for guidance and assistance to prevent any legal complications. “In accordance with the directive of the rabbanim, our office stands ready to assist and advise you in any way necessary,” the letter states.
The incident, which was widely covered in the general media, became a major test case for the military authorities. As previously reported by Kikar HaShabbat, the bochur, Amitei Amar, was detained and spent Shabbos in custody. Agudas Bnei HaYeshivos immediately took responsibility for his case, securing the services of renowned legal expert Attorney Menachem Stauber, who led the effort for his release.
In a show of unwavering support, members of Agudas Bnei HaYeshivos traveled to Amar’s home in southern Israel after his release, presenting him and his family with a meaningful gift as a token of appreciation for his mesirus nefesh. They lauded his steadfastness during the ordeal and emphasized the importance of standing strong in the face of such challenges.
Despite initial indications that the army might use the case as a precedent for stricter enforcement, intense legal and public pressure ultimately forced them to back down, leading to Amar’s release. The widespread media attention surrounding the case made it clear that failure to release him could trigger mass protests demanding his freedom.
Last night, Kikar HaShabbat published an exclusive recording of a heartfelt conversation between the rosh yeshiva, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Tzadkah, and the newly freed bochur. The rosh yeshiva inquired about Amar’s well-being and proceeded to give him a special Mi Sheberach, blessing him that he should always be protected from harm in the merit of his public sanctification of Hashem’s Name.