Michigan Judge Orders Walmart Shoplifters to Wash Cars in Parking Lot
In an interesting approach to addressing retail theft, Judge Jeffrey Clothier of Genesee County, Michigan, has begun sentencing individuals convicted of shoplifting from a local Walmart to wash cars in the store’s parking lot. This initiative aims to deter theft while providing a service to the community.
Judge Clothier, recently elected to the Genesee County District Court, observed a significant number of retail theft cases upon taking office in January. He noted that offenders came from various parts of Michigan and even from out of state. In response, he introduced the “Walmart wash” sentences for those guilty of misdemeanor shoplifting at the Grand Blanc Township Walmart, located approximately 50 miles north of Detroit.
The car washing events are scheduled for weekends in March and April. Walmart has agreed to support this initiative by supplying the necessary materials and designating a specific area in the parking lot for the activity. The judge believes that this form of community service will not only serve as a consequence for the offenders but also benefit shoppers with free car washes.
Judge Clothier emphasized that while not all individuals who steal are inherently bad, there must be repercussions for unlawful actions. He expressed hope that this public form of restitution would deter future thefts, noting that the potential embarrassment of being seen washing cars by acquaintances could serve as a powerful deterrent.
To further reinforce the lesson, Judge Clothier plans to participate alongside the offenders in washing cars. Local authorities have expressed support for this creative sentencing. Township Supervisor Scott Bennett described it as an “innovative approach,” and County Prosecutor David Leyton noted that even if it deters one person, the initiative can be considered a success.