Chometz and Matzah – A Deeper Look

Chometz and Matzah – A Deeper Look

The world is filled with micro-organisms called yeasts that surround us.They are found everywhere – on the ground, on plants and trees, on human beings and even in the veryair that we breathe. These airborne yeasts enter everywhere. They even enter into Matzoh dough, andfeed upon the starches that are in the flour. The yeasts…

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Wine – A Deeper Look

Wine – A Deeper Look

Although the halacha allows for both cooked wines and non-cooked wines for the recitation of Kiddush(See Ramah SA OC 272:8), some people are stringent and try to use wine that is not cooked at all (seeMishna Brura 272:23 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:6). However, there is a downside to this stringency.The downside is that non-cooked…

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Gebrochts – A Deeper Look

Gebrochts – A Deeper Look

In the past 25 years, Pesach cakes have almost become completely gebrochts-free. They have alsobecome quite expensive. Indeed, one shopper at a supermarket in the Five Towns had recentlycommented, “I have become gebroke from gebrochts!”In many familes, Matzah Brei is a favorite. In others, it brings shudders down the spine (well, almost).The issue, of course,…

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Kitnios – A Deeper Look

Kitnios – A Deeper Look

The custom of abstaining from Kitniyos is one that is far older than many religions, including bothProtestant Christianity and even Islam. Below is a history and a deeper look at it.HISTORYThe origins of the minhag to not eat kitniyos (often defined as “legumes”) on Pesach dates back,according to some, to the times of the Geonim…

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How Would the Post Moshiach Hagaddah Look?

How Would the Post Moshiach Hagaddah Look?

Every year there are new haggadahs being written and printed. Yet, shockingly, we have not seen anypost-Moshiach Hagaddah yet. This is a shame because it seems that there would be a number ofdifferences. Since the month of Nissan is the month of Geulah, it would seem that if we are not writingor buying such a…

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Pesach – A Boost in Emunah

Pesach – A Boost in Emunah

Moshe Rabbeinu enacted that we must study the halachos of Pesach 30 days before it begins as well ason Pesach itself. A minority view (Ran and Rashba) has understood this to mean that if two studentspose questions, one on Pesach laws and the other on another law, we answer the one on Pesach first —but…

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Purim Costumes – A Deeper Look

Purim Costumes – A Deeper Look

It is surely not one of our run-of-the-mill Minhagim.Generally, our Minhagim deal with simanim – signs that indicate good mazel rather than bad fortune.They deal with eating or not eating specific foods- Example: Shvuos we eat milchigs, Chanukah – latkes,Rosh HaShana – honey. We don’t eat nuts or chrein during Yomim Noraim. Our other Minhagim…

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Matanos L’Evyonim – A Deeper Look

Matanos L’Evyonim – A Deeper Look

Picture in your mind some serious money being transferred. Now realize that this is how it should be forMatanos L’evyonim- at least according to the Rambam and Mishna Brurah. We should be spending moremoney on this Mitzvah than all the others. That includes the seudah, shalach manos and the costumes.But let us start at the…

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Memorizing Psukim

Memorizing Psukim

It is late Thursday night. Your daughter is up late at night studying for an exam in Mishlei. But wait. Youhear her memorizing Psukim. You vaguely recall that there is some issue with memorizing Psukim. Whatis the halacha here?In fact, the custom to make girls memorize Psukim seems pretty prevalent. They often memorizenumerous Psukim in…

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Being joyous and celebrating Shabbos Nachamu is a custom with deep historical roots.  The Maharil inhis Minhagim (27) explains that the entire nation should rejoice on this special Shabbos.  He furtherwrites that we should express our faith and conviction in the arrival of the redeemer who will surelycomfort us.Because of this, it is worthwhile to…

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It is the question most asked by observant Jews when they enter the workforce:“Is it halachically permitted to attend the office Xmas party?”Before we get to that question, however, there is another question that is now also being asked. “As aboss of gentile workers, may I throw a holiday office party?”Let’s start with the latter…

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The origin of the word “nightmare” is rather interesting. According to Anatoly Lieberman, the “mare”has nothing to do with a female horse. Rather, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, it comes fromOld English maere. In 1300, the word night-mare referred to an evil spirit or goblin that would rest onthe sleeper’s chest and cause a…

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It was Adar, and some of the kids incorrectly took the notion of Mishenichnas Adar Marbin b’Simcha – toan extreme. One of them had pulled the fire alarm. The bells sounded, the fire department came, and –needless to say, the school got a firm warning about the matter.The reaction from the hanhala was fast and…

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Question: What do Yeshiva Bochurim and seminary girls, Spanish Salsa music fans of Marc Anthony, andFrench Muslim fans of Algerian Rai music all have in common?Answer: They all dance to the very same music. The Yeshiva boys and Sem girls all know it as the music to the song, “Hashem Melech, Hashem Malach,Hashem Yimloch l’olam…

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From a Torah perspective, racism in all forms is inherently wrong and immoral. There are a number ofreasons for this.This author recalls Rav Yisroel Belsky zt”l being asked this question at a Q&A session in Camp Agudah.Rav Belsky explained that all people were created B’Tzelem Elokim, in Hashem’s image. He cited PirkeiAvos where Rabbi Akiva…

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Shabbos has always been viewed as the symbol or flag of the Jewish nation. Just as patriots look at theirflag as more than a mere dyed cloth with fancy designs, so too is Shabbos viewed in the eyes of theJewish people. It is a sign of our deep belief in G-d’s absolute Oneness – He…

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So how should we celebrate a Bas Mitzvah? The stores on Central Avenue in Cedarhurst and Lawrencemay really like this one. But read on. The Gemara (Niddah 45b) tells us that a girl becomes an adult at the age of 12. This tradition washanded down to us by Moshe from Har Sinai as were all…

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Rosh Chodesh Elul has special significance in regard to “second chances.” On Rosh Chodesh Elul, Moshewent back up Har Sinai to receive the second set of Luchos. The second set replaced the first set ofLuchos that was broken because of the collective sins of Klal Yisrael. Moshe Rabbeinu spent 40 days and 40 nights there,…

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Once, a number of years ago, there was a minyan for an Avel somewhere in Suffolk County. There wereonly ten people present, one of them was a Rav. The Rav realized that the minyan was barely a minyanand that one of those that were gathered was disqualified in being counted for a minyan. The Ravannounced…

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It is a quandary that many non-observant Jewish families face: For one reason or another, the couplecannot have a child of their very own. As a consequence, they would like to adopt. They may have frumrelatives, and they are very proud of being Jewish.Can they adopt a gentile child and convert him or her through…

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“If you don’t give me your notes, we will not be friends.”“You idiot, I am going to hurt you during recess.”“Is cancer contagious?” asked a group of seventh-graders of another seventh-grader whose motherpassed away from cancer. The child was distraught from the teasing and bullying, and did not come backthe following year.A girl with a…

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A young woman had some extra heart tissue which caused an irregular heartbeat due to the extraelectric activity. She had ablation surgery, and she is fine now. Do her parents have to disclose thesurgery to a prospective shidduch?Another young woman is partially deaf in one ear. Must her parents disclose?A third young lady has alternating…

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It is the fulfillment of the Biblical Mitzvah of V’Ahavta L’rayacha Kamocha to attempt to make aShidduch. Indeed, in this one act, one fulfills two of these Mitzvos simultaneously, since one isbenefitting two people.One is also fulfilling the Mitzvah of emulating the Creator, since Hashem was the very first Shadchan,having created and put together Adam…

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They watch our children while we go out to a wedding, or to a restaurant to eat. They will often agree tocome on a moment’s notice.   And yet, at times, we will violate Torah commandments in how we treatthem financially.“Sorry, I did not get a chance to go to the bank.  Can I get you…

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Ahavas Yisroel (Financial Concerns)

Ahavas Yisroel (Financial Concerns)

Part of the Mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel involves being concerned for the well-being of others – even theirfinancial well-being. Every so often monetary struggles or similar things come up that can seriouslyaffect Klal Yisroel.  Excessive pricing and rising economic costs is one example.  The halacha is filled withillustrations of great Torah leaders who were concerned…

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Ahavas Yisroel (Love of Fellow Jews)

Ahavas Yisroel (Love of Fellow Jews)

Perhaps one way in which we can help address the unprecedented stabbings and car attacks that istranspiring in Eretz Yisroel is through strengthening ourselves in the Mitzvah of v’Ahavata l’rayachakamocha.To this end, it is worthy to note that there is a Sefer highlighting the Psakim of the Posek HaDor, HaGaonHaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zatzal was…

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FOUR MAIN REASONSThe reasons for the prohibition of leaving Eretz Yisroel cited by the authorities are actually rather varied:The Ramban (Bamidbar 33:53) explains the prohibition on account of the mitzvah to settle in EretzYisrael. The Ramban, if we recall, is of the opinion that the Torah mitzvah to settle the land of Israel isapplicable nowadays,…

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The Kosel and Har HaBayis

The Kosel and Har HaBayis

In 1967 (55 years ago as of this printing), for the first time in nearly two millennium, the Temple mountcame under Jewish control.  There were open miracles in the battle, where enemy forces threatened toannihilate Eretz Yisroel and its people.  A bomb landed on the Mirrer Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. Miraculously it did not detonate. And of…

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At the sheva brachos recited both under the Chupah and after bentching at every Jewish wedding – wesay the blessing of Sos Tasis. It is blessing #5 of the seven blessings of a Jewish wedding. The blessing is,“May the barren one rejoice and be glad as her children are joyfully gathered to her. Blessed are…

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There is a famous story cited in the book, “HaGaon HaChasid MiVilna” originally appearing onYashar’s biography of the Chofetz Chaim (p. 253-254). It was late on a Friday afternoon in Vilna. Rav Chaim the tailor of Vilna was in a bind. It seems a questionhad a risen on the Kashrus of the chicken being cooked…

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It was why Yaakov Avinu married Leah before Rochel, and it is something that comes up over and overagain. Yet, notwithstanding its frequency, people have only vague ideas of when it is okay for a youngersibling to marry first and when it is not. Some people wonder about the actual source of the practice.Others aren’t…

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BaHaB is observed on the Monday, Thursday, and Monday after the Shabbos after the Rosh Chodeshafter Pesach.  It is also observed after Sukkos following the same formula.  The word BaHaB is anacronym of letters where the Gematria is 2,5,2 referring to the second day of the week, the fifth day ofthe week, and the second…

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“I work hard shopping, cooking, and preparing the Shabbos meals.  The least you can do is make surethat we are singing beautiful Shabbos Zmiros!”This is a scene that plays out in both America and in Eretz Yisroel.  The mother, or wife is not too pleasedwith the lackluster Zmiros performance at the Shabbos table.  The husband…

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It may come as a shock to most people but the Friday night Kabbalas Shabbos piut of Lecha Dodi isactually an elaborate introduction to a different Tefillah. It is a Tefillah that is made up of two words andit comes at the very end of the Lecha Dodi (right before the last refrain).  The two…

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The goal of life is to develop a relationship – a strong relationship with Hashem and to emulate Him in allthat we do.  Dveikus is the highest level of this relationship where we cleave to Him.  One method orpath to this relationship is through Tefilah.There is both a fascinating debate among the Rishonim, however, as…

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A wealthy philanthropist in shul, about to turn sixty, had just scheduled a colonoscopy.  Interestinglyenough, he had scheduled the test not because his doctor recommended it, but rather because he wasabout to turn sixty. His concern is that he wants to make sure that he has not incurred the penalty ofKareis – the penalty of…

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Parking Where You Shouldn’t

Parking Where You Shouldn’t

You had everything you needed for the 4 th  of July barbeque, but you forgot the mustard.  You scour thefridge, but it is no where to be seen. The solution?  A quick hop to the local grocery store.  You jump in,but alas – there is no parking.  There is, however, parking on the other side…

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Step-Mothers and Other Relatives

Step-Mothers and Other Relatives

“YOU’RE NOT MY MOTHER! SO I don’t have to honor you.”“Yes you still do, young lady.”Everyone knows about the Mitzvah of honoring parents – it is one of the Ten Commandments, Indeed,according to the Gemorah in Kiddushin, it is also one of the natural laws that the entire world is wellaware of. But what about…

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Honoring Parents

Honoring Parents

Klal Yisroel loves Segulos. We run for this Segulah and that Segulah. But there is another Segulah that ismentioned in the Torah that really works. It is the Mitzvah of Kivud Av v’Aim – honoring one’s parents.The Torah itself assures us that one who is careful with it will merit long life.The Talmud Yerushalmi writes…

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Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l was once asked an interesting question (Derech Sicha p, 174): Should a womandelay her surgery so that it can be done on her birthday?Where was this question coming from? Some people are of the opinion that noticing and or celebratingbirthdays is not a particularly Jewish action. They note that the only…

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Why We Observe Yahrtzeits

Why We Observe Yahrtzeits

They raised us, loved us, and nurtured us. They gave all they had for us. And we observe their yahrzeitsby saying kaddish, lighting a yahrtzeit candle, learning in their memory, and fasting.But what are the reasons behind our custom to observe a Yahrtzeit? Is it a Torah Mitzvah or aderabanan? Below we find 17 reasons…

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Sanctity of the Body

Sanctity of the Body

Utilizing the latest ground-penetrating radar technology, a team of archaeologists had claimed, anumber of years ago, that, in fact, rumors of William Shakespeare’s skull having been stolen areprobably true. If true, the famous bard’s skull was stolen from Shakespeare’s grave in his hometown ofStratford-upon-Avon, England at the Holy Trinity Church burial site.The new discovery brings…

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What Happens After Death?

What Happens After Death?

It is a question that many ponder. Philosophers, scientists, and great men have explored this questionsince the dawn of time. What happens to the soul after death?The Torah sources teach us that the soul is immortal. This is a foundation of Torah-true Judaism. Thiscan be seen from the emphasis that is placed upon Shabbos observance.…

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Love of Hashem

Love of Hashem

The Gemorah in Shabbos (133b) discusses a fascinating pasuk, “Zeh Kaili V’anveihu..” The Gemorah inShabbos understands it to mean that part of love of Hashem is that we must attempt to liken ourselvesto Him. Just as He is kind and merciful, so too must you be kind and merciful.Rav Yitzchok Isaac Sherr zatzal explains (Leket…

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Belief in Hashem

Belief in Hashem

The Chofetz Chaim writes: It is a positive commandment to believe that there is a G-d who exists. As itsays (Shmos 20:2), “I am Hashem your G-d…” He (may He blessed and elevated) caused everything thatexists to exist as well as all of the worlds. By virtue of His power and desire, may He be…

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How Trump Can Respond to Honduras-US Tensions: Navigating the Military Base Standoff

How Trump Can Respond to Honduras-US Tensions: Navigating the Military Base Standoff

Special to Channel In a bold diplomatic move, Honduran President Xiomara Castro has threatened to expel U.S. military forces from the strategically important Soto Cano Airbase in response to President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed mass deportation plans. The threat comes as Honduras faces the potential return of approximately 250,000 of its citizens in 2025, raising…

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South Korea: Police Attempt Arrest, Secret Service Prevents It

South Korea: Police Attempt Arrest, Secret Service Prevents It

The drama in South Korea continues, even after the court ordered the arrest of ousted President Yoon Suk Yeol, who attempted a military coup last month. Currently, police and senior officials from the anti-corruption agency are attempting to enforce the court’s ruling and arrest the ousted president on suspicion of rebellion. However, they have been…

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Why President Biden Should Pardon Trump Before He Is Sentenced

Why President Biden Should Pardon Trump Before He Is Sentenced

A Op-Ed When President Joe Biden took office, he promised to dedicate his “whole soul” to healing the country, ending what he called our nation’s “uncivil war,” and “bringing America together.” However, rather than fulfilling that pledge, his administration has instead deepened divisions. His sharp criticism of Republicans—accusing them of supporting “Jim Crow 2.0”…

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Why Would an Irish-American Want to Join Hezbollah?

Why Would an Irish-American Want to Join Hezbollah?

Special to Why would an Irish-American Join Hezbollah A key motivation for Western recruits to terrorist organizations is a deep sense of alienation from their home societies, combined with a search for purpose and belonging. The recent case of Jack Danaher Molloy, a 24-year-old former U.S. Army soldier, illustrates this pattern. Molloy, who traveled…

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Rav Yerucham Olshin Shlita on Zos Chanukah

Rav Yerucham Olshin Shlita on Zos Chanukah

Introduction to the Connection Between Chanukah and Klal Yisroel’s Special Status At the beginning of Parshas Bereishis, the Medrash tells us that in the very first pesukim of the Torah, the Borei Olam alludes to the four goluyos (exiles) that Klal Yisroel would one day suffer. With the words “v’choshech al pnei sehom,” says the…

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Yahrtzeits of the Week

Yahrtzeits of the Week

Yahrzeits and Jewish history is created by Manny Saltiel, under the auspices of HaRav Yitzchok Summers of Kehillas Anshe Emes of Los Angeles. For sponsoring opportunities or to receive a weekly email, please contact [email protected]. All brief biographies listed are of gedolei Torah with no intended differentiation between them in regards to degree of greatness. A lengthier…

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Gallant Resigns from Knesset Over Haredi IDF Exemption Bill

Gallant Resigns from Knesset Over Haredi IDF Exemption Bill

Former defense minister Yoav Gallant, a senior member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, announced his resignation from the Knesset today, citing opposition to an imminent bill that would exempt Haredim from mandatory military service. Gallant’s decision comes amidst heightened tensions over Israel’s judicial overhaul and contentious debates surrounding the role of the ultra-Orthodox…

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New “Wealth Tax” Targets Eretz Yisrael’s Richest

New “Wealth Tax” Targets Eretz Yisrael’s Richest

Beginning today, January 1, 2025, a new law has come into effect in Eretz Yisrael, requiring the country’s wealthiest households to pay additional taxes. The Ministry of Finance introduced this measure to reduce the national deficit, especially in the wake of the recent war. This “rich tax” targets the top 0.01% of families in Israel,…

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German Family Ordered to Vacate Home Taken from Jews in the Holocaust

German Family Ordered to Vacate Home Taken from Jews in the Holocaust

A German court recently ruled that an 85-year-old woman and her son must vacate a house that had been forcibly sold by its Jewish owners during the Nazi era. The property, located in Wandlitz near Berlin, belonged to Alice Donat and Helene Lindenbaum, two Jewish women who ran a children’s home before being deported and…

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The Children of Lev Tahor: A Crisis Calling for Torah Community Action

The Children of Lev Tahor: A Crisis Calling for Torah Community Action

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for A spiritual and humanitarian crisis unfolds in Guatemala as approximately 200 Jewish children from the extremist Lev Tahor cult face an uncertain future following a recent raid by security forces. While individual activists have worked tirelessly to rescue these vulnerable souls, the broader Torah community’s organized response remains notably…

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Disagreeing With Rabbi Michael Broyde New Book re New Years Parties

Disagreeing With Rabbi Michael Broyde New Book re New Years Parties

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Rabbi Michael J. Broyde is an exceptional scholar whose ability to integrate traditional Jewish texts with contemporary ethical issues sets him apart in his field. His insightful analyses and engaging teaching style inspire both students and colleagues, fostering a deeper understanding of complex legal concepts within the Jewish community.  Nonetheless, with…

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Israel’s Target Assasination of October 7th Commander and the Protection of Innocent Lives

Israel’s Target Assasination of October 7th Commander and the Protection of Innocent Lives

In the shadow of relentless terrorist threats, Israel wages a lesser-known war: the fierce struggle to protect innocent lives during military operations. This commitment was dramatically tested on December 31, 2024, when Israeli forces eliminated Abd al-Hadi Sabah, the Hamas commander behind the catastrophic October 7 massacre, in an operation that showcased both lethal precision…

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What Trump Can Do

What Trump Can Do

Drawing from Trump’s New Year’s Eve statement that “they better let the hostages come back soon” and his December Truth Social post warning of “ALL HELL TO PAY” after January 20, 2025, here’s an analysis of the economic tools available to a US president: Presidential sanctions authority represents one of the most powerful tools in…

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The End of an Era: Economic Implications of Ukraine’s Gas Transit Halt for Russia

The End of an Era: Economic Implications of Ukraine’s Gas Transit Halt for Russia

Channel The recent cessation of Russian gas transit through Ukraine marks a significant shift in European energy dynamics, with substantial economic consequences for Russia. The termination of this agreement, which previously facilitated the transit of 40 billion cubic meters of gas annually, presents several challenges for the Russian economy. This historic change, announced by…

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Sisi’s New Palace: A Symbol of Egypt’s Renaissance and Global Diplomacy

Sisi’s New Palace: A Symbol of Egypt’s Renaissance and Global Diplomacy

Born on November 19, 1954, in Cairo’s historic El-Gamaliya district, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi grew up in an area known for its Islamic architecture and rich cultural heritage. His early life was shaped by traditional Egyptian values and a strong sense of military discipline. After completing his secondary education, Sisi joined the Egyptian Military Academy in…

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By Channel In a groundbreaking effort to combat rising antisemitism in Europe, The Lawfare Project continues its relentless pursuit of justice, even as the Dutch legal system stumbles in its response to coordinated attacks that shocked the Netherlands last month. The prestigious legal advocacy organization, which has emerged as a beacon of hope for victims…

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35,000 Made Aliyah since October 7th

35,000 Made Aliyah since October 7th

Since October 7, 2023, when Hamas perpetrated an unspeakable attack on the Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael, approximately 35,000 Jews from around the globe have made Aliyah according to the Jewish Agency. These new olim are from over 100 countries, with 31,000 arriving in 2024 alone. Many are young adults aged 18 to 35 who…

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Prime Minister Netanyahu is out of Surgery and Called UTJ about Exemption Law for Yeshiva Students

Prime Minister Netanyahu is out of Surgery and  Called UTJ about Exemption Law for Yeshiva Students

In a recent development that called for tefillos from Klal Yisroel, Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu underwent a medical procedure at Hadassah Medical Center in Yerushalayim on Sunday evening. Boruch Hashem, the surgery was completed successfully without complications. The Prime Minister’s Office reported that the Prime Minister is in stable condition and fully conscious following the procedure.…

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Israeli Company Run:ai bought by AI Chip Giant Nvidia

Israeli Company Run:ai bought by AI Chip Giant Nvidia

The American corporation Nvidia has completed its acquisition of the Jerusalem-based technology firm Run:ai. The transaction, valued at approximately $800 million (roughly 3 billion shekels), received the necessary governmental approvals after 8 months of delays. Run:ai, established by two Israelis, has developed specialized systems that help organizations better utilize their computing resources in a more…

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Why a Two State Solution In Syria is Necessary

Why a Two State Solution In Syria is Necessary

Special to Historical Context The devastation that has occurred in both Israel and Gaza has shown that Palestinian Arabs will not be placated with land here and there next to Israel. Palestinian Arabs deserve to have self-determination in a democracy that is free of the totalitarianism that was Hamas. Historically, there was once a…

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Did AI Cause Israel’s Unpreparedness on October 7th?

Did AI Cause Israel’s Unpreparedness on October 7th?

Special to In what became the most devastating attack on Israel since the Holocaust, the events of October 7th, 2023, exposed a catastrophic intelligence failure. A groundbreaking Washington Post investigation reveals that this failure may have been partially rooted in the Israeli military’s increasing reliance on artificial intelligence over human intelligence gathering. The Rise…

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Sacred Obligation Under Strain: Haredi Family Size Drops from 7.5 to 6.1

Sacred Obligation Under Strain: Haredi Family Size Drops from 7.5 to 6.1

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman At the heart of Jewish continuity lies a profound Mitzvah – one that has shaped our people’s destiny for millennia. The Shulchan Aruch (Even Ha’ezer 1:8) codifies an important obligation based on the Talmudic discussion in Yevamos and the verse in Koheles (11:6): “Ba’boker zera es zarecha, v’la’erev al tanach yadecha”…

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HERITAGE UNDER SIEGE: The Crumbling Legacy of the Hasmonean Palaces

HERITAGE UNDER SIEGE: The Crumbling Legacy of the Hasmonean Palaces

EXCLUSIVE INVESTIGATION: The Heritage Heist at Jericho In an exclusive investigation by Channel 14’s Elya Aviv, a  groundbreaking investigation during Chanukah took place.  Entitled, our “Heritage in Peril” expedition to the ancient Hasmonean palaces in Jericho took placed and has unveiled a devastating reality that strikes at the heart of Jewish historical preservation. What we…

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Putin Refuses Trump’s Peace Initiative

Putin Refuses Trump’s Peace Initiative

Special to Channel613.Com Russia’s continued resistance to Western involvement in the Ukraine conflict was highlighted when Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov rejected a proposed peace plan attributed to former U.S. President Donald Trump. The plan reportedly included two major provisions: postponing Ukraine’s potential NATO membership for 20 years and establishing a demilitarized buffer zone monitored by…

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A Theory as to President Carter’s Extraordinary Longevity

A Theory as to President Carter’s Extraordinary Longevity

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman Certainly the former president deserves credit for having contributed to the making of peace that has saved lives in the middle-east.  But it is also well known that President Carter was one of the leading voices in trying to give legitimacy to Hamas.  He also helped promote the fallacy that Israel…

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Is This Mishna Brurah Being Misread?

Is This Mishna Brurah Being Misread?

 By Rabbi Yair Hoffman The Controversial Mishna Brurah Ruling The Mishna Brurah (672:11) states that if one arrive home before alos hashachar – and all are asleep – he should awaken family – in order to fulfill the Mitzvah with a bracha. Some cite this as proof to the importance of this Mitzvah that it…

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What Happens After Death?

What Happens After Death?

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman It is a question that many ponder. Philosophers, scientists, and great men have explored this question since the dawn of time. What happens to the soul after death? The Torah sources teach us that the soul is immortal. This is a foundation of Torah-true Judaism. This can be seen from the…

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Mitzvos 4-10

Mitzvos 4-10

Mitzvah 4 The Mitzvah of sanctifying the new month: To sanctify months and intercalate [months into] years in the court [whose members are] great in wisdom and ordained in the Land of Israel, and to establish the year’s holidays according to that sanctification; as it is stated (Exodus 12:2), “This month shall be to you…

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Mitzvos 1-3 of the 613 Mitzvos

Mitzvos 1-3 of the 613 Mitzvos

Mitzvah 1: The Commandment of Procreation The commandment of procreation: [Parashat] Bereshit contains one positive commandment, which is the commandment to procreate, as stated (Genesis 1:28), “And Hashem blessed them and told them to procreate.” The fundamental reason for this commandment is that the world should be populated (Gittin 41b), because Hashem wants the world…

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What is the Story With Maccabees I & II?

What is the Story With Maccabees I & II?

Chanukah is coming! What is the story with the Book of Maccabees I and II? The history of Maccabees I and II is certainly an interesting one. It is not part of Tanach, of course, and it seems lehavdil that Martin Luther, the deeply anti-Semitic founder of Lutherism hated the book with a passion (along…

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Can We Pray For Miracles on Chanukah?

Can We Pray For Miracles on Chanukah?

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman The Gemorah in Brachos 60a seems to imply that one may not pray for a miracle.  One reason given is that doing so causes one’s merits to be lessened.  The Maharal in Chiddushei Agados (Shabbos 32a) explains that since the reward for Mitzvos is above and beyond – when one prays…

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NEW DETAILS EMERGE: Inside the Assassination of Hamas Leader Haniyeh – The Air Conditioner That Almost Changed History

NEW DETAILS EMERGE: Inside the Assassination of Hamas Leader Haniyeh – The Air Conditioner That Almost Changed History

JERUSALEM — In a stunning revelation that reads like a Hollywood thriller, Channel 12 has uncovered dramatic new details about the July assassination of former Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, exposing how a broken air conditioner nearly derailed one of Israel’s most daring operations in recent history. The meticulously planned operation, now acknowledged by…

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Hamas Newspaper Hinted to October 7th Attack

Hamas Newspaper Hinted to October 7th Attack

They alluded to it in their newspaper on page 15.  Just one month before the October 7th massacre, Hamas’s official newspaper devoted extensive coverage to the refusal phenomenon in the IDF and its impact on military readiness. The Hamas reporters described how the Air Force suspended training due to the fight against judicial reform. Most…

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Cardiology, BMWs, and Shabbos

Cardiology, BMWs, and Shabbos

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman What follows is a halachic discussion about a device that has been described by some cardiologists as the financial equivalent of implanting a BMW in the heart.  Other cardiologists have described it as the financial equivalent of a Tesla implanted in the heart.   The device can be called in layman’s terms,…

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The Pictures That Never Existed

The Pictures That Never Existed

Special to The National Archives’ recent release of photographs from 2013 adds significant documentation to a complex narrative about presidential transparency and family business dealings. The images, which show then-Vice President Joe Biden meeting with Chinese business associates connected to his son Hunter’s ventures, raise important questions about public disclosure timing and official accounts…

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El Al Offers Significant Help in Points to IDF Reservists

El Al Offers Significant Help in Points to IDF Reservists

Israeli Airline Launches Points Program for War-Time Reservists In a significant move to recognize military service during ongoing conflicts, El Al Israel Airlines has announced a new initiative converting reserve duty days into travel benefits for soldiers who served extensive periods since the October 7 attacks. The program, launching December 29, will award 100 Matmid…

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Pope’ Outrageous Statements Sparks Letter from Rabbi Mark Dratch

Pope’ Outrageous Statements Sparks Letter from Rabbi Mark Dratch

Special to Channel 613 The Jewish community’s outrage at Pope Francis’ criticism of Israel’s Gaza operations echoes a deeply troubling history of Vatican antisemitism. While Rabbi Mark Dratch’s letter diplomatically challenges the Pope’s remarks, it carries the weight of centuries of painful Catholic-Jewish relations. From Pope Pius IX’s 1858 kidnapping of six-year-old Edgardo Mortara –…

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Worse Than Animals: The Murder of an 80 Year Old

Worse Than Animals: The Murder of an 80 Year Old

Special to Channel 613 In a chilling act of terror that has shaken Israel, 83-year-old Holocaust survivor Ludmila Lipovsky was brutally murdered in Herzliya. Having already survived humanity’s darkest chapter, Lipovsky’s life was tragically cut short in this senseless attack. “Only monsters are capable of murdering an 80-year-old woman in cold blood,” declared National Unity…

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Iranian Regime Kidnaps Again! This Time a Female Italian Journalist

Iranian Regime Kidnaps Again! This Time a Female Italian Journalist

Special to As Iran continues its support of Hamas and other militant groups threatening Israel’s security, the detention of 29-year-old Italian journalist Cecilia Sala highlights Tehran’s broader pattern of hostility toward Western interests. Her arrest at this critical time, when Iran’s proxy forces are actively engaging in attacks against Israel and Western shipping in…

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